Monday, August 15, 2011

Am I Too Picky, Or Am I Right?

It has been a little over a week and there have been a few developments in my world of online dating.   

Zombie Guy is history....Or at least I think he is.  I wrote him back with what else I would do pending a "real" zombie apocalypse.  Apparently getting my family and friends in the same vicinity so that we can fight zombies together instead of traveling the country alone looking for each other, and possibly buying a boat, were not impressive enough answers for him.  He hasn't written back.  Let's just say, I'm not weeping in my pillow over that.

Guy who has messaged me multiple times, who will now be known as interpreter guy, got a chance.  I messaged him back.  What can I say, things were slow.  So we've been messaging back and forth a bit.  I'm not putting him on the no-way list just yet, however there are some things that could become a problem.  One, he readily admits to not really having any friends.  This is good because any guy who is a complete liar-douche is not going to lie about not having friends, so at least he's honest.  However, he went through college without making friends, and blames it on focusing on school too much....I don't know about you, but I feel friends are VERY important, to not have many (not enough to find someone to go travel with him) is a little weird.  So, we'll see where things go with him, I'm still hopeful.  

Today I got a message from a new guy, who found me on OkC.  Here is what he wrote me:

"hay there, we quiver matched and seem 2 have sum stuff in common... i'm working on going back 2 college but haven't been in a long time.... I have very strong belief in god... I love 2 laugh, and can laugh at a lot, but any ways, i' 27, live in fresno, and if u care 2 kno me message back"

Now, I'm no grammar/spelling genius, but this is just bad.  It's one of those things, if I notice your grammar is horrible, IT IS HORRIBLE.  His profile is filled with the same kind of writing.  If this was the only thing he had going against him I would feel like a very petty-picky person, however there is more.  OkC matches people based on answers to random questions that are asked to all users.  There are many questions and one can answer privately or publicly.  OkC tells me "Y'all Got Issues", and they are right.  He admits to smoking marijuana, and says he wants to try other harder drugs.  He also wants his future partner to be accepting of this, lets just say I am not.  He does not like to travel.  Who doesn't like to travel?!  Him I guess.  I'm a traveler.  He does not put a high priority on learning/education, I do.  Also, politically, he has very different views than I.  While I realize that many of my views may not be held by my future partner, I am pretty passionate about certain things and I don't think having such a long list of opposite views is a very good start to a relationship.  If I am being to picky, please let me know; I will give him a chance, if I find it's just me.


  1. He's into drugs? Deal breaker. Forget that noise.

  2. Oh good, it's not just me. I'm so picky that I feared I was too picky about everything!

  3. Dealbreaker. I will embellish in person re. this issue, because I have a story to tell you that should clarify.
